Wednesday, January 29, 2025

No.54 :Two Angels, 2024

Two Angels came,from heaven sent 
I knew not then,what this had meant 

The first was dressed in fur of gold and white 
I spotted, a four legged feline in the night
A kitten , beneath a,car stared as if to say:
'Stop!, stay here ,do not walk away...'
I took a,closer look and he was not deterred 
I held him close ,his engine  on ,he purred
He knew he was now safe as we headed home
For  I couldn't dare let him spend the night alone
A temporary stay I could offer him for a while 
Until I found his owner,  he remained domicile 
I placed  posters far and wide ,with no response
Yet as time flew by ,beside me  he did ensconce 
His playful antics and forwards affection 
Had already impressed upon me a connection 
Yet some  three other cats in this house roam
For that alas I could not offer him a home
I searched and found a sanctuary for cats 
He moved in ,and that was the end of that 
I sometimes think of Huxley and wish him well
Maybe I prevented a worse fate who can tell?
The second ,she appeared in human form
Hooded ,haggard , desperate and forlorn 
She  rang my doorbell late ,in dead of night 
Homeless ,seeking refuge from her plight 
Then said ' I'm Verity, I used to live next door '
I looked again and noticed what I missed before 
'I have been evicted  I'm all  alone and I'm cold 
Please put me up this night near memories of old?'
Flashbacks came to me of her wayward ways 
Trouble, conflicts, drugs,police visits of those days 
I thought that even for one night it wouldn't be wise 
I feared a theft or worse by morning might arise 
I told her meekly I could not offer her  any board 
She left dejected and in my gut a voice that roared
Told me that my Petty fears were small compared 
To simple things that matter and could be shared 
Two days later a suicide attempt was thwarted 
A woman of  Verity 's description was reported 
I sometimes think of Verity and wish her well 
That what I didn't do had placed her close to hell

Two angels came and put me through a test 
I passed the first but failed the rest .

Friday, April 26, 2024

No.55 :Andrew,2024

Andrew is no longer here .
He's somewhere else.
He left us suddenly without warning and he's no longer here.
Andrew was always there.He didn't say much but wherever we were he was there .
He was there in times good and bad ,he was there .He was quiet , reclusive, retiring and sometimes solemn but he was there.
In his prime he was there for all his family.He was there for his parents,he was there for his friends,siblings and children and he was there for me .He was tirelessly there to serve and give when and what he could.
As time unfolded he had less to give and less to offer ,but he was there ,and all he had was himself and even then when the opportunity arose he he would offer himself ,even if it was simply to lessen one's burden by offering to carry a weight.
Yet now he's no longer there at family gatherings,at church,at home or elsewhere.
He's not there .
But where is he? 
He's not here , as hard as that is to take ,he's no longer here.
He is there . Andrew is there.He is there where he was before we ever knew the difference between here and there .
He is there ,where all our deceased ancestors are,where billions of people throughout time that also once walked on earth are now.He is there where all the rest of us will arrive at one day .
Andrew was always there .....and right now he is there....

Monday, February 6, 2023

No.56 :The Hallucination, 2023

I heard a voice outside my head, 
An alien crawled inside my bed,
An invisible dog, I heard  it yelp
I realised then that I need help. 
So I booked a psychiatrist to save me from damnation. 
She listened, and  said :'Its a pseudo-hallucination.. 
So what's not there is really, not, not there, 
And what is, is but reality, imagined from thin air'. 
So that was it. I paid my costly bill
And said :' Doctor, one of us is ill'. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

No.57, The letter, 2022


    I painted a picture that no one saw

    It remained face down upon the floor

    I recited my poem that no one heard

    Each painful line, deaf ears preferred

    I made  a song that no one sang

    Each bar dissolved without a bang

    I wrote a book that no one read

    All my thoughts just put to bed

    I did my dance, no one joined in

    Each step by step  alone therein

   I stood on my soap box and I spoke

   And  I got derided by the 'woke'  

   I prayed for liberty and for peace

  I   watched the dove of white decease

  I grew weary, until  I did no more

  And then came the Stasi to m y door

  I  wrote this letter so that I could vent

  Stamped and sealed , but never sent …

Sunday, April 26, 2020

No. 58 , Chimpanzees

Stay at home little children stay at home , inside your place
Do as I tell you ,then come outside  and mask your  face
Then every Thursday when it is time, and I decree
Permission to stand outside   and clap like a chimpanzee

No. 59 .Rakesh , 2020

My  colleague Rakesh , I call him Rak
Was interviewed , they phoned him back
He passed complete
I helped him cheat
And Angela , she gave us the sack

Sunday, April 19, 2020

No. 60 : The Mask of Insidious (In memory of the fallen of Peterloo) 2020

Wake up and feel your chains !
One walk only , the regime ordains
If you want a meal tonight  then , ask :
For permission to remove your mask
And if its all too much , go back to sleep
Dream of better times in slumbers deep
A time when you kissed those you loved
Shook hands with strangers , friends you hugged
Times you walked  unchecked into a shop
Without being told when and where to jump or hop
Dream of precious liberty that you have  lost
But first just ask your self what did it   cost ?
You fell asleep and  behold a nation occupied
No goose steps but suited oligarchs that lied!
They need no brigades to keep you in line
Cough once, and your neighbour will ring 999  
Wake up and ask , are those chains real ?
No Shelley to inspire your warrior’s zeal
So Good day! , don mask and take a stroll
Then return, obey orders ; do a forward roll!
Drink   your opium laced TV and cheer !
Philanthropic saviour said the vaccine’s here!
And in the rush to roll up your sleeve
Bow and deltoid sacrament , receive  
Now you are safe , immune and fit
You got your passport stamped but shit!
The border guard did not let you pass
For your social credit scored 'bad arse'
So back you go drained in need of sleep
Hush with  lullaby , better dream to reap  
Then wake up again once more
With limbs from chains so sore
And ask with millions; Why ? why me?
Yet deemed your messengers fools to be
The eternal avatars that came and went
Words of wisdom  breath wasted  ,spent
Wake up remove those chains it’ s still not  late
It can be done if  you would  only  contemplate  
Remove the mask of self disdain
Reveal naked beauty once again!
Delve deep with mind and heart and soul
Your place in the universe timeless whole
We may be  many they may be few
But that many tether each other is true   
When all are speared from ampules ‘smart’
And those who dissent will be led apart
Ostracised like lepers to pay a debt
To the immune do they  pose a threat?
You are free, and sovereign if you wish
Let me join you close for this  late dish
For I am tired and oh so weary too
will go to bed and read of peterloo
Don’t let me sleep too long, I will complain
If I dream too long ,to Wake me pull the chain…..

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

No. 61:The Elder , 2018

He  lived  ten, and a hundred years
They bid him joy and  many cheers

But he would often frown then sigh,
Said he'd seen too many others die

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

No.62; The Hateful Man , 2017

There  was a man so full of hate
love  he  would not emanate

And  when death did  him surround
Nobody  laid   him in   the ground .   

Monday, August 29, 2016

No., 63 : The Master , 2016

A   master of Zen there  is in Japan
No  doubt;   the world's wisest  man

When asked  what comes after this  life  
He  enlightens , with a poke of his  knife  .

Sunday, September 20, 2015

No. 64 : Looking for Wolfgang ,2015

I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park; everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the fields  here and there
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see

And on our holidays together we'll  swim in the  cold   English sea.

I'm  looking for Wolfgang , but  he's nowhere to be seen
Proud  shepherd from Germany ,alert ,  fit strong and   lean
Kept us together ;those  dark  years; he  stood in between  .

I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park  everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the fields  here and there
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see

And on our holidays together we;ll swim in the  cold   English sea

I pass the spot where his ashes have still not blown,
And picture him walking  by my side , yet I;m alone
An off I walk minus a body -guard back to my home  .
I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park  everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the fields here and there.
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see,

And on our holidays together we'll swim in the  cold   English sea.
I thought of  gating the house  with iron barriers to keep out the scum
Strong iron railings front and back , but on the actual  day of the scrum
That won't  chase them out , blast them with sound or bite on  their bum .

I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park  everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the fields   here and there
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see

And on our holidays together we;ll swim in the  cold   English sea.

A security firm ?, cameras  to protect the castle; a  CCTV   maybe?
Would that do the job?and I can leave the house empty ;feel carefree?
When  I  return  ,peace of  mind , but  no hairy  monster there to greet me!

I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park  everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the  fields here and there
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see

And on our holidays together we;ll swim in the  cold   English sea.

I bought an umbreakable umbrella ;a  Ninja's weapon   for protection
I  walk  proudly  in the parks once ,again  and feel   the Earth's connection
But it;s no use ! I can't look into its eyes , cuddle it,  or feel its  affection

I'm looking for Wolfgang in my home
In  the  street , in  the  park  everywhere
And when I find him we'll go for walks
And for runs in the fields here and there
We 'll jog in the rain and play in the snow until the dawn lets us see

And on our holidays together we;ll swim in the  cold  English sea

I'm  looking for Wolfgang , on the land , in the sky and in the sea 
And Somewhere, in   a  far distant  universe,, he's looking for me .....



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Achilles , dragging the Body of Hector around the walls of Troy .

Achilles , dragging the Body of Hector around the walls of Troy .

Saturday, January 17, 2015

No.65: Art , 2015

Art ; The creation of an illusion  to represent the illusion of creation .

Saturday, November 8, 2014

No. 66 :The Solemn Air of Remembrance , 2014

'There will gather  amidst   the solemn air of remembrance ,
Aristocrats and triple - one party state leaders too,
With feathers on their heads , and  galaxies of medals
And swords: their sacred symbolism of wrath .
And board room guerrillas in tweed suits ,front line
They will make emotionally manipulative speeches
To honour the  fallen and the veteran survivors
But don't be fooled by their psychopathic platitudes
For today they are already sending the next lot to kill
Or be killed in places they shouldn't meddle
Some will die and some will return mutilated.
And then what ?.....
There will gather amidst the solemn air of remembrance ...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

No. 67: Love, 2014

' I thought our love was magic , then I watched  it vanish , in a puff of smoke......'

Saturday, August 9, 2014

No. 68; Summer Assault , 2014

Summer's night , all windows wide
2000 cc's approach , churning decibels
Of  belligerent  chants and war drums
Indiscriminately  bombarding men,
Women and children with insults to music
And as  this entity moves on and his
Private tin can of 2 by 3 square metres.
Diminishes from my home .....
Silence! with awe  again reveals herself
And liberates  my eternal connection
To deepest ocean and distant stars...


Sunday, November 24, 2013

No. 69: Internet ,2013

The internet is like the wheel; it cannot be un-invented..'

Friday, September 20, 2013

No.70: The Flies ,2013

I  looked at life's mysteries  and turned to philosophy ,
I studied religion and politics but got wiser? not one bit!

Until I observed the green assed flies and what they did:
They taught me to believe there is some good in shit! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

No. 71 : War ,2013

There is no just war , there is just , war ....

Saturday, December 29, 2012

No. 72 , Where Has All The Love Gone? , 2012

Where has all the love gone
Vanished all of it , no longer on?
And was it more than a word
With letters that spell absurd?
And really was its essence anything
After twenty six years I'm wondering?
Once the 'The nice guy' to have close .
And now a cold shoulder overdose
Character assassinated in a hotel room
Was a romance's final portent of doom.
Where has all the love gone?
A peck 'good bye' and ring on ?
No longer a marriage consummate
A bond gone past its sell- by date.

I've been devoted , faithful and true
I meant it when I said I loved you
A passion left to decay and subside .
The end of this roller coaster ride.
Where has all that love gone?
Only memories and things bygone
No dinner parties with flowing wine
And conversations of things sublime
A marriage that was once content:
A banker's loan now used and spent
Where has all the love gone now?
In a vacuum , held by ugly row.
Broken dreams and hopes corrode
The tarmac of this no- through- road.

I loved with mind and body and breath
And now I watch Eros writhe in death.
I failed my words in bitter poet's sigh
And fooled myself I had a painter's eye,
And for that I paid the price it's true
Wrapped in my self I neglected you.
You do not see the tears flow free
As they evaporate towards the sea
But do not fret and do what you must
This heart , though not steel, will not rust .
Where has all the love gone so soon ?
A morning's passion done by noon.
Koulla , I really loved you until this very day
For you it's gone;  and now my love will fray.....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

No.73: Life ...2012:

' Life ...... the main cause of death..'

No. 74: The Unknown Victims, 2012

Here we lie ,in our millions
Battered, butchered and charred.
Severed limbs , and decapitated.
A testimony to your cause
Did it not occur to you ,
That we too had children
And warm blood pulsing in our veins?

Here we lie, the vanquished
Anihilated tortured victims
Whose lives were short and captive
The focus of your joy ..
Did you ever consider that one day
Just like us fallen turkeys
For the feast of others you  are  slain?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

No.75: The Pacifists, 2012

The Pacifists , invaded by barbarians ;
 united,  and turned the other cheek
Their  women raped and children slaughtered ,
 but blessed are the meek .

A rebel rose  amongst them ,
 to fight and save the culture of their sacred state
He rallied the young , in a language they knew not ,
for already ,  it was too late.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

No.76: The Feminists , 2012 .

Woman had  won the war ,and so  she held her fist up high
Two equal partners now :  together,  in one bed they lie

New man is proud to stay at home , to cook and clean the best he can
Whilst she goes out and shags an uncouth   ,stone age,  proper man.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

No.77: A Gay Day In London , 2012

Went to the West end last week with a friend ,
Watched a really good  show
at the National theatre,
I love the west end of London ,
I usually alight at Oxford circus,
We walked  along the the Southbank
And sat In Gabriel's Wharf.
My friend was keen to show me a place
He had been to before ,
We found it , 'Crepes' whatever they were ,
Had one and it was rubbish
Could not even offer us chips with it,
Some people know how to profit.
We walked  and walked , over the bridge ,
Towards Trafalger square .
Eventually back on track headed for Oxford Circus
Underground station,
Agreed to have a coffe at my hut
Rather than go to another cafe ,
The exits and entrances to Oxford Circus
Are all one way traffic,
It's such a busy station , currents of  people
flowing in one direction
To oppose them would drift one away to sea ,
We found the entrance for the direction to the trains.
 I stepped down  In front of  me stepped a short stubby man
In his mid thirties ,in shorts
It was a beautiful day
Especially as the heavens had bombarded London
with a blitz of rain for all the summer months this year .
The short stubby man stopped ,
This irritated me , he stopped the fast
and furioius London pedestrian traffic ,
It was only for one second
Then another man also in shorts
But much taller joined him,
They held hands, then moved on
As  my friend and I followed,
They must be lovers I thought ,
They were gay, I was also gay ,
And so was my friend
But not in the same way they were .
The whole day  was gay and happy
with sunshine highlighting London's beauty.
 We returned to Siver Street and walked through the park
Back to my place for coffee.
'Did you notice those two guys ? I said ,
'Yes' We both noticed
And I pointed out that neither of us had said anything
Neither of us found it unusual or unacceptable ,
 we had moved on.
It was such a gay day for all of us .

Sunday, April 22, 2012

No. 78: Young Man From Brazil, 2012

There was a young man from Brazil
Who liked to pretend he was ill
When  he ran into bad luck
And  disease finally struck
No doctor would treat him for real

Thursday, February 2, 2012

No.79:The Conformist, 2011

'I would like to become  a non-conformist if only  everybody else would do the same'

No. 80: Politics, 2011

'I am too seriously interested in politics to join a political organisation '

Thursday, February 17, 2011

No.81: The Bum, 2011

There was a man with no bum
His torso and legs were apart
He enjoyed his life to the full
But really missed how to fart.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

No.82: Humankind, 2011

'There is nothing on Earth as beautiful as woman's appearance , and nothing as ugly as man's brutality'

No.83: Opium, 2011

If Religion is the opium of the masses , then consumerism and advertising must be its cocaine and therefore the corporate media and political deception thereof is its concomitant psychosis...........

Friday, December 10, 2010

No.84,: Kent,2010

I went to Kent today , on business
As I passed the borders of London
I saw Kent was still covered in snow!
The people I made contact with;
All of them spoke good English.
There were beautiful houses in Kent
Yet there was something different
The people in Kent are not like us.
They live in an entirely separate
geographic location .
What's worse 'Kent' is like
another similarly sounding,
horrible word in English.

It's time the people of London
declared war on Kent.
Apart from the two reasons mentioned
There are more of us in London
We stand a good chance of winning.
Let's invade Kent.
It's time the people of London
stood up and claimed what is theirs!
Imagine , like 1914 : the pageantry
The sound of drums, and brass bands
Strapping young men marching to war.
It brings tears to my eyes
Lets go and kill the bastards!

Monday, August 30, 2010

No.85: Man With No Body, 2010

There once was a man with no body
He wandered alone ,with only a head
One day he met a headless woman ,
And so united as one they got wed.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

No.87:The Bear, 2010

There once was a vicious thug
Killed men with his bear- hug

In the woods he meat a bear
And now he is no longer there

Friday, January 1, 2010

No.88: The Fascists, 2010

The  ruling fascists gained power through an election
No force , goose steps or coercion for their selection

For the so called 'Democratic Parties' , were all the same
They took away your freedom ,  they did it in your name.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

No.89:The Idiot , 2009

An idiot with his own strong political views
Implanted there by the corporate news

And a state that declared war with a lie
Had convinced him that millions should die

Saturday, October 10, 2009

No.90: Caliphate ,2009

The Islamist idealists had democratically won the day
Divine rule had been chosen ,God would have his way .

Justice ,peace and harmony was promised: just as God had said
Yet his parliamentary throne was empty :For in disgust he fled.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

No.91: Madness, 2009 .

'I cannot see the method in the madness, only the madness of their methods.'

Sunday, July 12, 2009

No.92: Psychic Healing, 2009

'Any one who willingly goes to a Psychiatrist or clinical Psychologist in order to have their head examined : needs to have their head examined!.

Monday, July 6, 2009

No.93: The Poet, 2009

A poet who suffered writer's block
Prayed his thoughts would run amok........


Thursday, July 2, 2009

No.94: The Alien, 2009

An Alien from, another world in outer space
Payed a visit to a leader of an Earthly race

They became good friends but it was time to fly
And so she embraced the gorilla , a sad goodbye!

No.95: The Dead Man, 2009

As he lay dying , he wondered what comes next
Should he have prepared with some religious text ?

But nothing really mattered in this final rout
For all feeling , thought and pain he'd be without .

No.96: The Preacher, 2009

A preacher who did not believe
Had a secret weapon up his sleeve

He taught the faithful to obey
Stole their money and went his way .

Friday, June 26, 2009

No..97: God , 2009

There once was a God
Who ruled with a rod

Kept his people afraid
Thus myths are made..

No.98: The King , 2009

There once was a king
Who had everything

He still wanted more
For he thought he was poor

No.99: Atheism, 2009

Atheism: A belief in the non-existence of God , like the religious who have blind faith in the existence of god with no proof or evidence and without real certainty .This belief is held with equal passion . Whereas, unknowingly, both the Atheist and the Religious are equally Agnostic and ignorant of the truth. What is worse is that neither care for the truth and happily stick to their fixed beliefs.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

No. 100: The Man with No Head, 2009

There once was a man with no head
amazingly, he was not even dead

He broke the law in every place
For nobody could spot his face .